Personal information

Last name: Kyriakakis
First name: Panagiotis (Panos)
Date of birth: 24 March 1972
Place of birth: Athens
Marital Status: Married
Wife’s name: Elena Ntaki
Children: Four
Location: Larissa, Greece
Mobile: +30-6973831XXX
e-mail: panos at salix dot gr
skype: pbkyriak
Army obligations: Served from 11/96 to 5/98

Programming Skills

PHP, OOP PHP, Symfony 2, Doctrine, Twig,


Javascript, jQuery,

Mysql, Redis,

RabbitMq, REST services,

Expertise in Cs-Cart e-commerc software

Algorithms, Numerical methods,

Agile, KanBan,

UML, Design patterns, Refactoring, Smells, Metrics.

Older knowledge driving to experience, Oracle, Visual Basic 6, C++ Borland builder, Java, Swing, Postscript, Pascal, Fortran, Ansi-C, CA-Clipper.


  • 2014 Hellenic Open University, Msc in Information Systems
  • 1996 University Of Ioannina, Bsc in Physics
  • 1989 3rd Lykion of Lamia


  • Greek, Native language
  • English, Advanced level (TOEIC grade 945)


  • 2011 ECDL Core 3
  • 2003 Javacript, BrainBench
  • 2003 Visual Basic 6, ExpertRation
  • 2003 ASP, ExpertRating

Academic Work

  • 2014, Maintenance Patterns of large-scale PHP web applications, Panos Kyriakakis and Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, ICSME 2014
  • 2008, Ported the Greek stemmer to php from javascript version who was developed for his Master Thesis by Georgios Ntais at Royal Institute of Technology [KTH] (Stockholm, Sweden) supervised by assoc. professor Hercules Dalianis.
  • 2001, Developed a molecular dynamics trajectories visualization application in Java with the collaboration of dr. D.G. Papageorgiou και D.I.Pantelios(Msc) (University of Ioannina). Known usage acknowledgments in the paper: E. Vamvakopoulos and G. A. Evangelakis, “Dynamical behaviour and size dependence of 2D copper islands on the Cu(111) surface: a molecular dynamics study,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 13, no. 48, p. 10757, 2001.
  • 1998, Developed a postscript graphics generator module (written in Fortran 77) for the optimization package Merlin. Acknowledgments in the paper D.G. Papageorgiou, I.N.Demetropoulos, I.E. Lagaris Merlin-3.0 A multidimensional optimization environment Computer Physics Communications 109

Writing (all in Greek)

  • 2005, “Introduction to MAKE”, under GNU FDL license, Larissa
  • 2005, “Programmer’s Mathematical Handbook”, Panagiotis Kyriakakis – Dimitris Papageorgiou, under GNU FDL license, Larissa
  • 2005, “Introduction to HTML” for REKTIS corp.
  • 2005, “Introduction to POSTSCRIPT” Version 2.1 under GNU FLD license, Larissa
  • 2001, “Introduction to POSTSCRIPT 2nd edition”, Larissa
  • 1995, “Introduction to POSTSCRIPT”, Ioannina

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Work History